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  High School Art II  Teacher: Mr. Yoshitaka Nakamura
School: Yanagi Gakuen Senior High School
Hyogo Prefecture
Use of IT in Class
Place □Regular classroom ■Computer room □Special classroom □Gymnasium
□Athletic Field □Outdoors □Others〔 〕
Type of Lesson ■Class □Group □Pair/Individual □Follow-up □Others〔 〕
Phase ■Introduction □Development  □Conclusion □Others〔 〕
Main user of IT ■Teacher □Student □Others〔  〕
Objectives ■To introduce the topic ■To motivate students ■As illustrative material used by the teacher □As illustrative material used by the student □To master through repetition □To present a model □To recollect past experiences □To compare □To examine what has been done/studied □To provide second-hand experience □Others〔 〕
Equipment ■Computer ■Projector ■Screen □Electronic Whiteboard □Visual Presenter □Digital Camera □Video Player □Internet □Digital Contents □CD-ROM □Speakers □Others〔 〕

Point of Interest
The use of computer presentation software and projector to visually demonstrate concepts that are difficult to grasp just from printed materials and blackboard instructions.

Multiple-woodcut Multiple-colored Prints
Contents: based on MEXT’s curriculum guidelines
A: Art Expressions (1) Paintings, Sculptures
(B) Conception of deeply expressive art terms, forms of expression, and the practical use of materials and techniques.

Teaching Objectives
Study the Japanese traditional Multiple-woodcut Multiple-colored printing technique.

Lesson Plan
(1) Use a slide projector for an animated effect to explain the printing technique.
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(2) Use slides to explain how the woodcuts are separated by color, a special feature of this technique.
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(3) Show the overprinting process through the slides.
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(4) Use the animated effects of the slides to show how the overprinting is guided, a deciding factor in the quality of the finished products.
(5) Appreciate the art works of senior students shown on the website.
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(1) Prepare slides that even first-time learners of woodcut printing can understand.
(2) The art works of senior students can be presented as projection slides; however, introducing their art works on the website will provide students with the opportunity to work with computers as well as to raise their interests and concerns about the materials.

Home made website with the students' art work

Integrate IT into Your Class