Integrate IT into Your Classroom
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Area of a Triangle
  5th Grade Math
The digital contents are projected on a magnet screen put on the blackboard. The teacher uses a visual to present a math problem. Then, the learners use it as reference material when presenting their answers while the teacher changes the shape of the figure according to their explanations.

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Enjoying Kyogen
  6th Grade Japanese
The use of video clips that allows the students to appreciate the speech and movement of Kyogen provides them with a first hand experience of old Japanese thereby enabling them to familiarize themselves with old words and phrases.

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Our Life in Global Society
  9th Grade Civics
To show live feed from around the world broadcast through cameras on the Internet so that students can recognize themselves as a global citizen.

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Discover Mathematical Functions in Shapes and Figures
  Junior High School Math
It is an excellent example of how a math class can be made more fun easily and effectively by the use of a computer.

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Contribution to Global Society
  High School Contemporary Society
A practical example of how to incorporate into classroom lessons, educational materials developed for high school students by international institutions.

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Multiple-woodcut Multiple-colored Prints
  High School Art II
The use of computer presentation software and projector to visually demonstrate concepts that are difficult to grasp just from printed materials and blackboard instructions.

Japanese video clips only

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The Rules of the Multiplication Table
  2nd Grade Math
A practical example of using digital contents in math to motive students and to introduce problems.

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Let’s Make a Digital Picture-Story Show of Dinosaurs
  2nd Grade Arts & Crafts
(1) Collecting pictures of dinosaurs by scanning picture encyclopedias and downloading images from the Internet. Students will develop creative ideas for expressing dinosaurs by watching these pictures projected in class as well as in groups.
(2) Creating stories to match the pictures drawn by students and recording them using a digital camera. Each presentation will consist of four images pasted onto the presentation software.

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Information on Our Town
  3rd Grade Social Studies
Various presentations using the electronic whiteboard to project blank maps and visuals obtained during an exploration of the school district will provide more detailed information of the local area.

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Let’s Enjoy Music with a Story (Kasa-jizo)
  3rd Grade Music
The use of a projector to show book illustrations of scenes from a story, encourages the students to sing and/or play musical instruments with emotion and expression.

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Good Oral Recitation
  4th Grade Japanese
A good example of how computers and digital cameras are utilized to examine and evaluate the students' performance. The use of digital cameras allows objective evaluation, which previously has been difficult to do and encourages the students' learning initiative.

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A Closer Look at Our Lives~Preserving the Fujii River
  4th Grade Integrated Study
The digital pictorial book “Encyclopedia of Aquatic Organisms” provides instructions on how to examine water quality through observation of aquatic organisms, thereby effectively teaching safety precautions, organism collection method, and data classification.

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Living Things and the Seasons (After the Weather Cools)
  4th Grade Science
Use a projector to show VOD (Video-On-Demand), the students learn how animals and plants change as the weather cools, as well as the points of observation for studying the surrounding natural environment, prior to the actual observation and research. The results will be printed into a class newspaper, featuring the changes that occur when the weather cools.

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Let’s Have Fun with English
  4th Grade Integrated Study
The four basic skills when learning English are listening, speaking, reading and writing. This example demonstrates how students can have fun learning to listen to and speak English through downloaded sites.

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The Flow of a River and its Effects
  5th Grade Science
The teacher provides students with a simulated experience by pasting visuals taken by a digital camera onto the presentation software. In addition, students fill out a worksheet and the lesson proceeds using a visual presenter.

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The Formation and Transformation of the Earth
  6th Grade Natural Science
The use of digital contents to show video clips of volcanic activities that we are usually unable to encounter, as well as images difficult to portray just by showing geologic stratum models and/or rock samples. The object is to have the students infer from the provided visuals how the earth was formed by volcanic eruptions.

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Vaulting Box
  6th Grade Physical Education
You can watch a video clip of an exemplary vault over a vaulting box.
The linear body drawing in the video clip allows the students to accurately observe the shifts in body movement during the vault.

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Proportions and Inverse Proportions
  7th Grade Math
A practical example on how to find numbers that change proportionately by showing a video of the surrounding school area.

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Observe Living things in the School Grounds and the Surrounding Area
  7th Grade Science II
A practical example of getting students to realize the relationship between living things and their growth environment by instructing them to summarize their data taken with a digital camera onto a blank map drawn on the electronic whiteboard.

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Two Worlds and the Independence of Japan
  8th Grade Social Studies (History)
Various IT equipment are utilized by the students on their own initiative and are also used to effectively present lesson materials. In addition, cell phones are made use of to share each other's experiences.

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  Secondary Education School (1st course) 2nd Year Foreign Language
Providing learners with a dynamic explanation of grammar and activities by presenting Web pages and authentic materials prepared by native speakers.

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The Apparition of Venus
  9th Grade Science II
Presenting unusual and surprising visuals motivates the students. Also, showing a video clip taken from outer space furthers the students’ understanding of the subject.

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How to Use Industrial Tools and Machines Safely
  Junior High School Industrial & Home Economics (Industrial Arts)
A practical lesson of drilling a hole with a bench drilling machine. After learning how to use a bench drilling machine, the students will drill a hole in a board while using the nearby computer to refer to the correct usage.

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Land Formation and its Features, How to Read a Contour Map
  Senior High School Geography B
Utilizing free software that allows the teacher to create a 3D model by drawing lines with the mouse to visually present the different stages of land formation and its features, the concept of contour lines and other such information.

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The Maximum and Minimum of a Quadratic Function
  High School Mathematics
IT is used to teach the students in an easy-to-understand way, the often baffling concepts of the maximum and minimum of quadratic functions. The math problems which reflect real life situations will enable the students to become more familiar with mathematics.

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Laws of Motion
  High School Physics
Conducting an experiment to prove the laws of motion can be time consuming, since it requires the collection and analysis of massive data with three parameters, mass, acceleration and force. This example divides the students into groups, in order to share the work load, and then to assemble the data onto the spreadsheet to analyze the results real time, thereby minimizing the time factor and achieving a speedy cooperative experiment..

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Reception of Light and the Anatomy of the Eye
  High School Biology I
A good example of how to show examples or conduct experiments with style from the teacher’s desk or podium. The teacher uses a video camera to project the conducted experiment onto a big screen.

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The Neural System and Its Functions
  High School Biology I
A good example of how a homemade video clip provides students with visuals that they are familiar with, as well as being useful in conducting a lesson suited to the teaching style of each teacher.

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An Analysis of One TV Commercial
  High School Information Technology C
Repeatedly watching one selected TV commercial and analyzing each shot in detail , paying special attention to different aspects of production such as editing, audio, camera angles and graphics, enables students to consider various techniques and intentions of the creator and learn different ways of expression that are available when presenting information to the public.

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Dietary Habit to Prevent Lifestyle-related Diseases
  Senior High School Home Economics (Public Health)
Students can browse various materials, not available in textbooks, on the Internet.They can easily obtain accurate figures in nutrition calculation without taking time. Also, they can enjoy reviewing their dietary habits with presentation software.

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Providing Assistance for Someone Who Need to Move from the Bed to the Wheelchair
  Senior High School Home Economics
Each movement involved in nursing care can be presented in slow motion, thereby allowing the students to grasp the particulars and to be motivated to practice.

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Portfolio for Improvement Through Reflection on Past Experiences: Let’s Record Your Experiences on Various Media in a Variety of Ways
  School for the Mentally Handicapped Sr. High School Division Integrated Studies
Each movement involved in nursing care can be presented in slow motion, thereby allowing the students to grasp the particulars and to be motivated to practice.

Copyright:2003,2004 Ministry of Education,Culture,Sports,Science and Technology