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  School for the Mentally Handicapped Sr. High School Division: Integrated Studies Teacher: Mr. Yoji Ota
School: Shiga University-affiliated School for Children with Mental Retardation
Use of IT in Class
Place ■Regular classroom ■Computer room □Special classroom ■Gymnasium
□Athletic Field □Outdoors □Others〔 〕
Type of Lesson ■Class ■Group □Pair/Individual □Follow-up □Others〔 〕
Phase □Introduction ■Development □Conclusion □Others〔 〕
Main user of IT ■Teacher ■Student □Others〔 〕
Objectives ■To introduce the topic ■To motivate students □As illustrative material used by the teacher □As illustrative material used by the student □To master through repetition □To present a model ■To recollect past experiences □To compare ■To examine what has been done/studied □To provide second-hand experience ■Others〔 Create a portfolio 〕
Equipment ■Computer ■Projector ■Screen □Electronic Whiteboard □Visual Presenter ■Digital Camera □Video Player ■Internet □Digital Contents □CD-ROM □Speakers ■Others〔 Digital Portfolio 〕

Point of Interest
Creating a digital portfolio of actual experiences onto the Internet to be used to self-improve one’s daily living.

Portfolio for Improvement Through Reflection on Past Experiences:
Let’s Record Your Experiences on Various Media in a Variety of Ways

Contents: based on curriculum guidelines
Integrated Study 2nd , 3rd
(1) To help students develop the ability to find, learn, think, evaluate, and solve problems on their own.
(2) To help students acquire the ability to learn and think, to nurture a disposition to independently and creatively solve problems and actively explore various subjects, and to enable them to think about their lives.

Teaching Objectives
To collect, organize, analyze and evaluate information (problems) based on actual experiences and to communicate the information using appropriate media tools.

Lesson Plan
(1) Have the students reflect on their past experiences through media tools and save the data in a form suited according to the developmental stage of each student.
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Lively activities of mentally-handicapped children. Collecting the records of past experiences such as mountain climbing taken with a digital camera.
(2) Based on the accumulated portfolio, each student reflects on their own lives and shares the information with other classmates by giving an overall presentation.
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Guiding the students to convey a variety of messages through reflective editing.

Compared to projecting visuals such as videos to the entire class, each student reflecting upon their past experiences on their own by using visual data on the computer is more effective. In addition, when teaching the mentally handicapped, there were many examples in which using IT equipment instead of paper increased the quantity and quality of the data used in this reflection exercise. This is also true for the reflection activity which was done later.

Digital Portfolio System used in this exercise
PushCorn Website
PushCorn Website

Integrate IT into Your Class