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  Grade 7: Math  Teacher: Mr.Yoshiyuki Sato
School: Nishime Jr. High School Nishime Town, Akita Prefecture
Use of IT in Class
Place ■Regular classroom □Computer room □Special classroom □Gymnasium
□Athletic Field □Outdoors □Others〔 〕
Type of Lesson ■Class □Group □Pair/Individual □Follow-up □Others〔 〕
Phase ■Introduction □Development ■Conclusion □Others〔 〕
Main user of IT ■Teacher □Student □Others〔 〕
Objectives ■To introduce the topic □To motivate students □As illustrative material used by the teacher □As illustrative material used by the student □To master through repetition □To present a model ■To recollect past experiences □To compare □To examine what has been done/studied □To provide second-hand experience □Others〔 〕
Equipment ■Computer ■Projector ■Screen □Electronic Whiteboard □Visual Presenter □Digital Camera ■Video Player □Internet □Digital Contents □CD-ROM □Speakers □Others〔 Downloaded sites 〕

Point of Interest
A practical example on how to find numbers that change proportionately by showing a video of the surrounding school area.

Proportions and Inverse Proportions
Contents: based on curriculum guidelines
7th Grade Contents C Numerical and Quantitative Relations
(1) To develop the ability to recognize, express and examine the concepts of proportions and inverse proportions by investigating the relationship and the changes between two numbers present in a specific situation.

Teaching Objectives
To find numerical quantities in the surrounding environment that proportionately change.

Lesson Plan
(1) Present a problem, showing a video of a tank filling up with water.
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The teacher shows students a video of a water tank filling up with water as an example of a proportionate relationship between two numbers—in this case, time and quantity.
(2) Draw diagrams, charts and graphs to show the relationship between the time that has elapsed since the tank began to fill up and the resulting water depth.
(3) Present the number of minutes it took to fill the tank to a depth of 24 cm.
(4) Watch a video of the surrounding area to find two numbers that change proportionately.
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The students look for two numbers in the video that change proportionately.

When looking for numbers that change proportionately, it is helpful to focus on things that move or quantities that change over time.

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